tan fur

A character or animal, that has its body covered in fur that is the color tan, or sections of the fur that is dyed tan. (can be light or darker shades of tan).

post #947951 post #911388 post #930961 post #265466 post #917614


Related colors

These colors are either nearby the color in the color spectrum, or serve as a sub color group to this color. Unless it is a sub color, these colors should be treated as distinct colors.

Tags About Fur


See also

General Anatomy

The following tags are aliased to this tag: beige_fur, burlywood_fur, cream_fur, peach_fur, wheat_fur (learn more).

This tag implicates fur, tan_body (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: tan_wool (learn more).

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post #5463236
post #5463229
post #5463171
post #5463168