Straight Man $50,000 Question

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Member, you member...
Is the poster Legzman's clone?
Who's next?

That's all I have to say.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Leg_mn close to Legzman...but not quite!
Where's my fuckin stalker??? It's not fuckin fair! IAF and HB both had one! Iamfourever and I don't remember HB's, but they were at least close to the same spelling, this guy is way off!
I want my chance to make someone feel like dog shit!!!!!!!!


Member, you member...
IAF and HB both had one! Iamfourever and I don't remember HB's, but they were at least close to the same spelling, this guy is way off!
I want my chance to make someone feel like dog shit!!!!!!!!

hehe, HB's was Fartbroker!
I don't see what's so wrong with this thread. Is there something offensive about the questions? I don't get why this is trolling either. :dunno:

Unless there's something offensive in a thread, I think that some of you need to relax and not post all kinds of comments about why you think it's a stupid thread. Give the guy a break and just ignore this thread if you think that it's too stupid.

Then again, I may have missed some offensive material, but if I haven't, then I stand by my comment.

Given its the member's first ever post, then I agree with Lady Love... he's trolling.


Hello straight men,

Would do ALL of the following for $50,000?

A) Watch gay Guys sucking each other toes.

B) Watch gay Guys masturbating while starring at you.

C) Watch gay porn stars have anal sex in front of you.

E) Watch an elderly woman have sex with young studs.

F) Watch a elderly woman and elderly man have semen squirted on their faces.

G) Watch a guy ejaculate on another guys lips.

I) Star in a porn video where you pretend a hot babe is giving you fellatio when it actually a gay guy. After the porn video is produced, you watch it.

How many of you straight guys would do all of these things? I would and I can.

It is either a yes or no answer. There are no maybes, certain circumstances. Either you are able to or you are not able to. The heterosexist and homophobic need not to reply.
For post #2 this is what you came up with? Come on man, what kind of sick question is this? Go have a smoke and then come back with some better material, ok.


Closed Account
i'm sick of this shit. I'm not even gonna try to be nice.

Just fuck off. Your trying to be all open minded and bashing homphobics, and we don't fucking need that around here.

You are just as annoying as the racists/sexists/homophobics.

Stop wasting our time.
I think it's a safe assumption that anyone will do ANYTHING for money these days...
So why did you make two threads on this topic? Did someone offer you money to do these things and you want some advise or WHAT?
Mr. Leg mn:

I will GIVE YOU $50,000 to either:

a) Run with scissors

b) play in traffic

c) Take a long walk off a short pier

d) Swim with sharks

e) Jump in a large vat of boiling oil

f) Ride a Hyabusa in 5th gear on the Autobahn blindfolded with no helmet

This is a yes or no proposition, there are no maybes or certain circumstances. The oil will be boiling and you must wear the blindfold. :ban:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G, yes, as long as you don't expect me to get excited or anything... You often see worse stuff on tv these days, like open heart surgery, and I don't get paid to watch that (maybe that's why I don't and won't watch it...).

H (at least I assume you meant H and not I, unless you use a different alphabet I do), no. This would mean getting involved with another guy. Even if he's dressed like a woman, he's still a guy and I don't want to get involved with guys.


Closed Account
OK so the guy put up the same thread yet again? Please someone else call me out saying how I'm unfair. If it walks like a duck...blah blah blah. IMHO of course. ;)

Maybe a merge?


On topic to starter, I can't comment as I'm not a "straight" male that you specified. Just wondering though, why can't a bi or gay male answer? No "ewww" factor in that right, could that be it?



Isn't there a little button to report a post as offensive or spam?

Why all the replies? To show how cool you are? How much better you are for not making such a post? Just report it for gods sake.
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