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Off Topic Grace Boor Discussion

About a month ago, she started messaging former subscribers trying to sell them PPVs. And now her page is down to $5. I think the money isn't coming as easily anymore, and if these two new tactics don't work, maybe she'll start trying something else like showing more.
Is there a content thread?
IneedaU commented
I'm guessing you need more points, but here, this is pretty much all there is, including the lame sex tape

IneedaU commented
In case you're interested this is what's on bunkr

MulekeDoBairro commented

if anyone is interested here is her snapleak, you can download the photos for free but the videos are paid. you need a premium account for it. Also l-e-a-k-e-d-b-b (without the “-“) has the same leak but idk if they have the videos, also needs a premium account
MarcusRash commented
How Can I gain more points, in order to view different threads?? Help plz
if anyone is interested here is her snapleak, you can download the photos for free but the videos are paid. you need a premium account for it. Also l-e-a-k-e-d-b-b (without the “-“) has the same leak but idk if they have the videos, also needs a premium account

Jun 25, 2024
NudeTab . com/grace-boor-nude-yourfavmelons-onlyfans-leak-new
IneedaU commented
BTW it's BS content, nothing new, the same insta crap you see in her thread, you don't miss anything if you don't watch it
Boxertwin75 commented
I signed up to her OF and unlocked some promising sounding media and for like $50 each was left very disappointed. Hot but not nude so WTF am I paying for? I DM'ed my disappointment and cancelled membership.
IneedaU commented
The fat guy you messaged probably felt like meh
Ianhawk999 commented
This girl lives in my town lol I’ve seen her at the mall before
There’s a nip slip video floating around. Anyone know how many pts are required for the content thread here?
JemJam commented
Agent 86 commented
Santa came! He came!
Has this girl shown her tits yet, or is she still trying to lead people on
1 Comment
IneedaU commented
Kronsage commented
Weve already seen her pussy and butthole (both very tasty looking) but we all know the boobs are the thing we have waited to see. Unfortunately, we are a bit jaded with her scammy antics in the past and it's hard to believe that this won't be anything but more of the same. I hope I am wrong.
Kronsage commented
Looks like it was just a scam for her to fish for more OF subs. Not heard anything about this since.
IneedaU commented
Not her, to begin with, the fat dude managing her account biting idiots into buying crap.
IneedaU commented
Because she probably sells stuff to some agency and they try to milk it through bite captions.